Donnie Stevens Inspiring Novelist and Award-Winning Author

“Every story has a life, and every life has a story.”
Donnie Stevens pens passionate stories about people enduring real life conflicts and challenges. His writing’s, Romance, Historical, or Suspense, the stories come to life through colorful, character emotions that stroke one’s imagination and tugs the reader’s heart. The settings for his story telling, often favorite destinations he’s visited, are suited with heartfelt stories about his hero or heroine struggling to overcome what life has dealt them.
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After twenty-three-year-old Cassie Landers is jilted by the man she dropped her music career for to support him through med school, she vows never to get emotionally attached again.

Zackery Alexander is devastated after forfeiting his college scholarship to play NFL football, only to find out he couldn’t make the cut.

Cassie and Zackery’s chance encounter one evening on a stormy beach in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina, sets in motion a friendship between two young....more


A Journey of Redemption and Unexpected Grace. Seventy-five-year-young Jim Yeager thought his summer vacation would be filled with relaxation and routine. Instead, he finds himself embarking on the most extraordinary adventure of his life—a bucket list of things to undo.

When Jim meets the enigmatic Dennis on an abandoned basketball court, he's challenged to confront his past and rewrite his future. As he ticks off items from his unconventional list—some ending in laughter, others in disaster—Jim discovers....more


What happens when a love letter is delivered 35 years late? Despite the heartbreak of her youth, Trudy Quinn has made something of herself. Being a mom to her college-age daughter, April, and now the president for a foundation that enables impoverished young women to go to college fulfills her. And she’s not giving up on her estranged marriage just yet, either. At least, she and her husband Kenny are banking on the counseling they put in before he deployed for a year in Iraq and the time apart to offer them a fresh start. But then Trudy receives a letter....more


Spencer Aubreys finds more then inspiration when visiting this most famous inn in Abingdon, Virginia. Separated form the love of his life, then losing his carer job, he desperately seeks a way to put his life back in order as he attempts to write his second novel.

Captivated by a young girl, (Katherine Broadwater), Spencer believes her to be an actress from the local theater. Her story details events that took place during the Civil War when the inn was used as a hospital for wounded soldiers....more


My Newsletter

Pruning Words

This is the time of year when the sap falls, I find myself outside pruning tree limbs, shrubbery, rose bushes, and creeping ground coverings. I have band aids taped to my arms and legs for the pricks and cuts I received to prove I’ve clipped or trimmed every bush or tree on my lawn. But all a labor of love.  With the extra rainfall we’ve had this spring and summer, its proven to be quite a chore. You know the routine. Once your neighbor does it, you follow suit. Sigh Once it’s finished, I can more
My Newsletter

Tribute to Class of 1970

I look in the mirror at my two-day shadow, and ponder whether to shave? This month, finally after delaying our Class of 70 high school reunion for two years because of Covid, we’re going to gather and break bread again. At the original John D Basset High School, where so many teachers, faculty, and community volunteers dedicated themselves to strengthen our minds, nurture our hearts, and prepared us for our unknown journeys. So far back, it amazes even me I can still remember so much about my class friends, many more
My Newsletter


    Years ago, while visiting my father-in-law in the beautiful, southwest Virginia mountains, I ventured out with him early one Fall morning to help mend his fencing around one of his pastures. We walked around the field looking for collapsed fencing to replace posts or rails. After a couple hours, I caught on to the trade and observed how soon it would be before other sections would need to be mended and wondered why not replace it all at the same time? He caught on to my curiosity and what he said to more