My Newsletter

March Into Spring
Friday, March 18, 2022 by Donnie Stevens

“March To Spring” - Newsletter

Okay, somebody please turn the page and tell me where this story is headed. A week ago, the day began as a warm spring day, temperatures reaching eighty degrees. Dandelions were pushing up through my green-green grass, my Day Lilies are blooming, and my Iris’s bulbs have pushed through the soil at least a foot above ground. A few days later, we were experiencing thirty-five-mile wind gusts, the temperature dropping to twenty degrees at night, and what started out as rain, turned to snow on Saturday. So can we maybe skip a chapter or two on this story and move on to Springtime with lots of colorful flowers, birds chirping, and neighbors strolling the sidewalks while kids ride their bikes and scooters? You know…a happy ending.

This rollercoaster week reminded me of a good book I’ve recently read. The pages and chapters filled with so many twists and turns, I couldn’t lay the book down. When was the last time you’ve read a book that held you spellbound…past bedtime?

I have several editors I use to complete different edits on my manuscripts before sending the final version to my agent. Some of the greatest compliments I get are, “I got so engrossed in reading your manuscript I forgot I was editing it.” And my favorite is, “After several chapters, “I know where your story is going and how it will end.” But later I receive an email that says, “You blindsided me! I didn’t see it coming!”

Every author’s wish is to captivate their reader’s attention and hold it till the end of the story. Why? Because they’ll share the experience with other readers. And one of the best compliments I get from a reader’s review is when they say, “I couldn’t put this book down, I read it all in one day,” or “this would make a great movie.”

Posted compliments and reviews to my writings are a way to connect with my readers. We may never meet personally, but in your own words, you’ve encouraged me to continue tapping away at my keyboard. Allowing the creativity of my imagination, paint the words that’ll build the next plot, theme, setting, and characters on a whirlwind journey to another story. “So yes, you do inspire me.”

I’ve recently updated my website, and if you’d like to continue receiving my newsletters, short stories or news releases I post to my website, simply add your email to my website.

In the meantime, whoever wrote the weather story we received this past week, please get it to Springtime. I am so ready for it.


Pray for Ukraine,

God Bless


Marian Nagle From a point or extent in space At 2/9/2023 4:58:50 PM

To the webmaster, Your posts are always well-supported by research and data.

Brenda Jane Brooks From Danville At 3/19/2022 10:27:39 AM

I love your books and especially your commitment to your Lord. Keep inspiring us with your books. You have a great gift.

Patsy Cress From Winchester, VA At 3/19/2022 8:39:03 AM

Love your books! Can’t wait til the next one comes out.

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Donnie Stevens
